Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Hero

My personal hero is my mom. She has always been my hero and i am sure she always will be. I have looked up to other people also like famous soccer players and family members but my mom has always been my number one hero in her own way. Some of you may not know this about me but my parents are divorced and have been since I was about two and a half. My dad lives in Harlan Kentucky which is a small town about five hours away. Because of the distance I only saw my dad on some holidays and over some of the summer. As I got older I started going down there less because of my sports. So therefore my mom had me on her own for awhile and managed to work, get me to school, and take care of me. She had very little time to herself unless she had someone to watch me but she never complained. She met my stepdad when I was four and he was great. Throughout the years my mom coached my softball and soccer teams and was at all my games for all the sports I played. She has always supported me in my decisions and whenever I wanted to try new things she was there for me and helped me with whatever I needed. I now have twin brothers that are three and even when they were really little my mom still managed to find a way to make it to most of my games and tournaments. I don’t have my license yet I could have them but I just haven’t gone to all my classes. Since I don’t have them my mom still takes time out of her day and drives me around to where in need to or just want to be. I may not tell her enough but I really appreciate my mom and everything she does for me and I hope to one day be as great of a mother as she is to me.

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